hiking tours and outdoor meals for groups

Nature activities and outdoor dinners for groups in Finland!
I do tailored outdoor trips, tasty meals and variety of activities for groups in Finland.
My unique Campfire Dinner can be prepared and served anywhere! No electricity needed as it is mainly for outdoors! Please note that I do cook inside too, if needed!
It is both essential and luxurious to eat well when hiking in the wild nature! Well planned meals prepared by a talented chef. No gasoline-run vechicles or ski doos or electricity needed. Just back packs and sleds. Gas cookers and open fires.
All-inclusive hiking tours in Lapland include everything you need for your special holiday. Everything from picking you up from the airport or hotel lobby, to bringing you safely back few days or a week later! Tour plans, transportation, guidance, gear, food, etc. Anything you need for your unique Finnish Wilderness Holiday!
I 'll be your guide, your freight train and your personal chef.
All services available all year round. Anywhere in Finland. No price list included in this site as this is tailored service.